

Who can use these training programs for?

The programs are suitable for anyone who is looking to either bulk up, lose body fat and improve their performance in the gym.

I am a newcomer to the gym, can I use the programs?

Yes. You can alter the programs to your capabilities. There is no set amount of weight you should lift, you lift what you are capable of achieving. If you can’t do all the training sessions suggested, then you can alter the program to suit your availability to train. However, it is suggested you follow the program thoroughly in order to achieve the desired results.

Are these training programmes designed by you?

Yes. I have been a certified personal trainer since 2017 and I have over 10 years of experience in the gym, and a further 20 + years experience in sport.

What is the structure of the plans?

The programs are over 10 weeks. They are split in to 2 phases, both of which are 5 weeks long. There are some variations in reps and sets to help you progress over time. Some exercises are switched up during phase 2 as well.

What comes with the training program?

A nutrition guide, a core guide, a HIIT guide and training manual are all provided with your purchased program. On top of this you will have access to Online Coaching APP which will allow you to watch exercise videos, follow your plan and complete each session.

Can I buy the guide in my country?

The guide is available world wide. You will be able to purchase the training programs through PayPal and the fee will be converted to your local currency.

How do I receive the program?

You will receive files to your email which you can download and refer to. You will also be able to access your program via the Online Coaching App

How can I pay for the plans?

You can pay via PayPal

My card keeps getting declined. What should I do?

In most cases, your card being declined is due to your bank rejecting the payment. Try using a new card or call your bank to tell them that you are making the transaction and then try again.

I have not received my confirmation email

Please wait up to 24 hours for your confirmation email. It is possible the email has been sent to your junk section. Please check this. If you have still not received your confirmation email then please email

What is my login for the app and website?

Your login is the same as the one you used when completing an order. If you downloaded the app it is the login you used to sign up with.

I don’t like my product, can I get a refund?

When you purchase any program, you agree to no refunds as stated on the website. This is because the content is delivered instantly to the buyer and can be seen by the buyer.

  • Refunds can only be given in the following circumstances:If there was a technical issue and we can see that the content was never received by the buyer.
  • If the transaction was not a genuine transaction (card fraud etc.)
  • If there was a duplicate order or payment.